Host Families
Since the beginning of our collegiate ministry and the development of the So. Cal Shepherds, generous families and individuals have opened their homes to student-athletes traveling from far and wide to serve with FCA Baseball. Our host families are in important part of creating a “home away from home” experience for our out-of-town interns. The bonds formed between host families and Shepherds often continue well past the summer.
General Information
In selecting our host families, we look for candidates interested in our ministry who are dedicated to making our Shepherds’ summer experience positive and memorable. We are looking for a safe Christian home environment who will spend time with their interns and treat them as if they are a part of their family.
Guaranteed Perks
- Host Family Dinners
- Host Family Appreciation Night
- 20% Discount on FCA merchandise
- 2 Full Camp Scholarships
- Special gift at the end of the Summer
Arrival and Departure
The Shepherds will stay with you from the last week of May to the first week of August with a departure date in the first couple days of August (August 2nd or 3rd). Arrivals may be as late as mid-June depending on their college baseball or finals schedules. We are happy to work with you to arrange airport pick-ups as they arrive.
The interns will be responsible for getting themselves to and from events, practices, and camps. It is helpful if your residence is located near our Whittier Christian High School or any of our camp locations (La Mirada, Whittier, La Habra, and Yorba Linda). This allows our students to be close to the field and shortens drive times. Some interns have their own vehicle, but some will not. We look to have students carpool with each other whenever possible. You are not required to provide transportation, but if you have an extra car available that you are comfortable with an intern driving you are free to offer if you would like.
Shepherds must have a private room for sleeping. If you are hosting two interns, they may share a room, but two separate beds must be provided. If the only thing stopping you from hosting is an extra bed, let us know and we will help you find one. Please make sure to dress the beds with clean linens and a pillow. They do not need a private bathroom but should have a place for their personal items. In addition, they are expected to do their own laundry throughout the summer, we just ask that you provide them with instruction on how to use your machine. We also ask that you provide light breakfast (cereal, fruit, etc.) and occasional lunch materials (sandwich meats, etc.) for your players. We expect our players to follow the rules of your house. There will be a housing checklist that goes over housing issues that we will ask each player to read over, discuss with you, and sign.
One of our Shepherds instructing his players on proper arm care techniques.
Team Missions Trip to Baja California, Mexico
During the summer, our Shepherds do have busy schedules so please be understanding that they will spend a limited amount of time at your home.
Interested In Hosting?
Prayerfully consider being part of this great experience and ministry. Please be sure that you are comfortable with the idea before committing to serve as a host family.
For more information contact Isaac Friesen at or please fill out the Host Family Application below.